Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Abortion Months Is It Legal To Have An Abortion At 8 Months?

Is it legal to have an abortion at 8 months? - abortion months

I wonder if the United States it is legal to have an abortion after 8 months if the child or the mother is at risk?

I'm not a man that I do not give abortion makes me worry about the mess, as is the problem and the adoption, etc., etc.

I will only know about the legality of the issue.

No need to their personal morality on this issue know, ok?


mysfums said...

Also illegal and endanger the mother!

scarlett... said...

It is illegal in most states, is legal but a few. There are, however, requires that the serious risk to the health of the mother.

modoodoo... said...

The Partial Birth Abortion Act (federal law therefore applies to all USA), the prohibition of a particular form of late abortion. In particular, prohibits the extension "intact and extraction or D & X procedure by which the fetus is partially delivered and then (and that's where it becomes a liability policy), death or aborted. The law contains an exception for the life of the mother (but not, as the Supreme Court's previous opinion) had ordered for his health.

The law does not "intact dilation and extraction or D & E" procedure by which the fetus is removed in pieces into the uterus and removed piece by piece. One might think: "Why is it better to run piece by piece and not all?" Good question. But you do not want to go there, so it does not.

Finally, the PBAA Carhart was by the Supreme Court in 2007, Gonzalez v. confirmed.

FACTS said...

At 8 months, babies are born healthy and nearly viable, as many people know what they were born at 7 months, there is actually lead a doctor to a healthy life. No woman in any country in the world can the conduct of judicial proceedings. When a baby is abandoned (killed) at this stage can be fatal for the mother, with minimal chances of survival - what a really sick today. To think how that would cause offense to a very sick - not for, but you need help!

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