Friday, December 11, 2009

Vitamin D And The Bladder Which Of The Following Hypotheses Is NOT Directly Testable Using Experiments?

Which of the following hypotheses is NOT directly testable using experiments? - vitamin d and the bladder

a. Artificial sweeteners can cause bladder cancer.
b. Supplements of vitamin E can prolong life.
c. Athletes are more aggressive than non-athletes.
d. mammals appeared in the world of the living before the extinction of the dinosaurs.


emucompb... said...

Can perform a real experience. All he can do is try to find fossil evidence and the date.

no1nosem... said...

D. Why? Because there are no living dinosaurs with test ...

frozenli... said...

C determine the dates the fossils of animals in a few hundred years, and very questionable. But the emotions and aggression are not directly verifiable.

Tim F said...

D. You can not test an environment with dinosaurs on them to this hypothesis. You can see what has already happened, is not really an experience.

Melissa P said...

The answer is D. There are no dinosaurs alive today, he can not be used for experimental purposes.

"A" can by feeding artificial sweeteners, which are interests of a group of animals tested, then determine whether there is a significant increase of bladder cancer compared to untreated controls.

"B" can by supplemented vitamin E in a group of animals and control over their lives against the life cycle is shown by untreated controls.

"C" can be tested, provided a standard set of behaviors or attitudes characteristic of aggressive behavior is used, not to compare these characteristics between athletes and athletes. To succeed, we also need a set of criteria for determining whether a person is an "athlete" and "non-athlete." This can be difficult to prove that "A" or "B", but still possible.

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